Hex Code

Six-digit code representing colors digitally, indicating combinations of red, green, and blue.

What is a Hex Code?

A hex code is a six-digit alphanumeric representation of a color used in digital design. It's a way to tell computers what color to display by defining the precise levels of red, green, and blue light that make up that specific shade.

Example: For example, pure white is represented by #FFFFFF, while pure black is #000000. A bright red might be #FF0000, and a deep blue could be #0000FF.

Usage: Designers use hex codes to ensure consistent and accurate color display across various digital platforms. When you choose a specific hex code for a website's background or a logo's color, you're guaranteeing that the intended color will appear correctly to viewers regardless of their screen settings.

Hex Code vs. RGB

RGB uses primary colors of light (red, green, blue) and represents them on a scale of 0 to 255. Hex codes, while also defining colors digitally, use a hexadecimal system with a combination of letters and numbers.

Hex Code vs. CMYK

CMYK refers to the colors of pigment inks (cyan, magenta, yellow, key/black) used in printing. Unlike Hex codes designed for digital displays, CMYK ensures accurate color representation on physical surfaces.

Realted Terms

HSL: A color model that describes colors based on their hue (shade), saturation (intensity), and lightness.

RGB: A method for digitally representing colors using a combination of red, green, and blue light.

CMYK: A color model that describes colors based on their cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black) components, primarily used in printing.

Hex Code FAQs

How do the digits in a hex code translate to a color?

Each pair of digits in a hex code represents the intensity of red, green, and blue light, respectively. The higher the value (from 00 to FF), the brighter that color component will be in the final color.

Where are hex codes used?

Hex codes are used in various digital applications, including website design, graphic design software, and even social media for customizing profile themes.

Can I get the hex code of an existing color?

Yes, you can use a color picker tool in most design software or online to select a color visually, and it will provide you with the corresponding hex code.

What does the '#' symbol before a hex code mean?

The '#' symbol at the beginning of a hex code signifies that the following six digits represent a color value in hexadecimal format.